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Showing posts from January, 2011

Playing games online can get you killed

The smell of the early morning traffic on the M25 on the way to his first delivery and the constant pounding of the cats eyes on the van`s tyres on the hard shoulder wake him up as he tried to keep the van in the lane in front of him, he should have gone to bed early last night and not played games online but it was fun. Driving and making delivery paid the bills but it was not what he wanted to do with his life he wanted more but he never did whatever it took to get what he wanted. Again pounding of the cats eyes and right in front of him the traffic slows and he hit the brake to slow down and keep in tune with speed of the traffic only if he had some red bull he thought, it would be the solution to his problem. The traffic moves on and the display sign changed the traffic speed limit is lowed and this annoys him and the display sign changes again and the lane he is on is closed and he ignores the sign and continues for another mile, the traffic build`s up and slows to a halt and the

Nothing has changed in Nigeria

Tonight i was watching a movie on BBC1 Amistad i have seen it before but i like to watch it again and again, but this time as the closing credits rolled down the screen i am reminded of the way things were in the time of black slavery how brutal it was. But i as a black man i watch the movie and have a clear view of how things were and are right now. We all know that the period of slavery was brutal and inhuman period in the history of mankind in many ways, but as a black man i have to acknowledge the truth that slavery was a business there was product and there was demand. The demand needed to be met ,and for that to happen there had to have being Africans we were dealing with the Europeans supplying the product, which were the slaves and for that they got paid , like i said it was a business after all. We come to the present day and we come to Nigeria and nothing has changed from the period of slavery the product has changed but the basic principle has remained the same, a few in ch

Nigerian politics revisited

The election is this year and we have a lot to look forward too, the candidates are doing their best to defeat the other candidate, and then we find that there are individuals in the country who do not care about the people ,with the bombings and the sudden raise in Islamic fundamental behaviour in the north of the country it make one to believe that there is a conspiracy happening in the northern states, or it a situation that they are being manipulated by outside influence with ulterior motions. Most people would say it is because our leaders have being so far into looting the purse of the nation that they know if they are ever voted out of office the new leaders might decide to persecute them and that is why they have creating problems in the north and using religion as a cover. For me i ask myself how stupid are the people causing the trouble on the ground are, because they are being paid with their own money. the money they get and if it`s true is from the purse of the nation

Motor show at excel 2006

The motor show at London docklands excel was a collection of new cars, concept design and all the new innovation in car safety on display; I was very impressed with the safety aspect of the French manufacturer Renault . This motor show had a collection of cars worth about £10 million, which in my opinion was not enough with the apparent absent of was some manufacturers of big super cars such as Ferrari, but still there was a decent collection of cars on display.   One of the showstoppers for me was the new Cadillac Escalade 2007 it looked slick and a bit longer than the older models, the interior was awash with the latest gargets needed to get around in your very own sitting room on wheels, as we well know the American manufacturers have the best in technology and comfort build into their cars, and here in this show the American car manufacturers made a impressive showing of the muscle they can muster. Chrysler presented a 2007 model of the Chrysler 3000 touring salon and esta

Antigua the Jewel in the sun

The sun was high in the sky this morning bright and warm even with the cold wind blowing through the window i opened today did not diminish the feeling of joy in the air .but I would not mind sitting in the sun and get myself a tan ,my uncle who i took him to the airport on Tuesday travelled to  Antigua  and he is enjoying the warm sunshine and i must confess my skin is getting lighter  due to the lack of sunlight in the UK  LOL! . So all i can do is get back to work and earn those little coins to make it to the sunshine this year. so my plan is going to be simple get myself a ticket for Antigua before the weather changes to the winter cold all over again Antigua here i come By Sarah Humphreys Antigua is located in the Caribbean Sea. Their main languages are English and Antiguan dialect. Main currencies used on the Island are East Caribbean Dollars, United State Dollars and all leading credit card*s (*advise that most places accept credit cards and local or smaller shops take c

Trekkie to writer

So far i have finished my first book of three, many of my friend know i am a Trekkie in a big way anything star trek i have seen and when i used to travel round the UK working i used to listen to audio books while i drive,it always have a way of taking me to the place in my mind being described on the audio tape , and i have always wanted to write so i have finally got to do what i love and my first book is done . all i have to do now edit the book and send it off to a publisher sometime soon I read somewhere about writing and about leaving the book for a while and come back to it to get the feel of the book ,and i have and i am beginning to really get the feeling of my book and taking care of the mistakes i have made in writing this book. by the time this process is over maybe i hope to be able to pass on any new skills i would have gained through the process and new understanding of the writer`s passion and the ability to pass on the vision to the reader

Ribadu Wins ACN Presidential Nomination By Acclamation

The news that Ribadu has won the presidential nomination made me jump for joy ,which am sad to say did not last long because i know if this man ever gets into power there are powers in Nigeria would be out to kill him. the question you would ask is why do i say these things? and my answer is simple he stand for the truth he is the one man who might be able to make Nigeria a country we could be proud of ,we all know if he become the leader of Nigeria many of our current  leaders would very much end up in jail for all their looting for the last forty years and nothing to show for it . I am praying that he wins the election and just maybe ,maybe we have a man that would bring us into the light out of the darkness that has cast a shadow over our nation for all these years. so here i am saying to all our brothers and sisters  in the Diaspora join me in wishing that R ibadu will become our next leader

Running on low

Went to the doctors yesterday and told i was just okay  but low on my platelet count maybe that's why am feeling somewhat in the dumps feeling rather low in spirit ,i have to keep going and not give in to the weakness that make me feel like going to sleep , so friends just to let you know i Will be running low for the next few day to rebuild my powers

Okey Ndibe

The news that secret police in Nigeria  pick up  Okey Ndibe and detained, who is a columnist and US professor is beginning to feel like the version of the Good old days of Nigeria it appears that if anyone says anything bad about Nigeria, and if you ever go Nigeria you will get picked up ,what is interesting is the fact they took the man`s US passport even as he did not commit any crime. the government should be careful because the new brand they have being trying to show to the world is beginning to tarnish with  this kind of behaviour .so far he was released after a interview but the fact they took his passport makes me wonder why and what will they gain by detaining this man ?

My cry !

It has being almost a week since i put on anything for my blog but yesterday i just finished my book the first of three that i have in mind to write, it is the prelude to a interstellar war with human being fighting each other . this is why i love sci fi it`s possible to create a universe in one`s imaginations , sometimes all i have to do is look at the way we do business as human beings  we allow so much to happen just because it doesn`t concern us or it`s not our business. i do the same sometimes and i feel ashamed about it , so the question you ask yourself as you read my blog is ,what is he on about? , to tell you the truth i don`t know just that every time i read the news and  watch on the news channels  there somewhere in the world we are killing each other, it appears to me that it is in our nature. i look at Nigeria cry out in my soul i lived in Nigeria when it was still a place that one could live in peace i recall when my father took us to Ibadan on the roads at night we le

Woke up this morning

Woke up this morning with a jump in my step and feeling that i need to get things moving  got on my computer and  started to finish the next chapter i have already got a path to follow in my head and need to get it onto paper and move on with trying to finish my book, i had to remember that i need to start to things moving in a direction that would mean i could earn a living from writing along with what i do . i got a message from a friend of mine a few days ago about writing and she gave me a boost to my conviction that i should go writing and trying to finish my book so here i go trying to make connection to the characters in my book wish me luck!  

The first chapter

I started to write a sci fi book last year and here is a sample of the first chapter "The key to interstellar travel that humanity has found has being a revelation. The rate of expansion of    human colonies has being rapid and in the last 500 years the exploration of space has being lead by the private sector. humanity found the key to long distance travel by sheer luck, the scientist were looking for a new form of energy but found instead that they could create holes in space and time a phenomenon that allows a ship to travel from one point in space to another in a matter of hours and the ability to manipulate gravity fields around objects was also another break through it. the history humanity has always had the story of how one group of people dominate over another group of people if it`s not because of the colour of one`s skin it because you are poor or not even that there is usually about those with power dominating other without power this has being the way humanity has b

First Sunday of the year

Today is the first Sunday of the year and i decided to go to church and start the new year with a new start so i went to a church near where i live and it was a Nigerian church interesting as it was it took me back to my early days in London. I must say i have a biased view of Nigerian churches over the years having experienced the situation of Nigerian based churches and have seen the sleaze some have encouraged and I must say my view is not to have much expectation when dealing with Nigerian based church. But i must review and i cannot in all honesty say that i have not had much experience with Nigerian based churches lately but going to the church today was a disappointment i went today to get an uplift in my spirits but all i got was a feeling of begin at a social event not having a sense of edification, maybe i should try again and find a church that could lift up my spirits   for the new year of 2011

Nigerian bombings and atiku

Political points or not it is becoming clear how far from reality the leaders of Nigeria are from the people ,these bombing will continue to happen when you have a country where the common man on the street cannot buy a loaf of bread to eat when people are dying because our leaders have sold our birth rights to the highest bidders , how many billions of dollars has being taken out of the system , it is becoming clear to me that nothing much as changed from the period of slave trade when the we sold our people for profit ,when we sold our lands to the white man for pieces of mirrors and gleaming objects , the fact we have a country that has all the nature resources and we have in the last fifty year have not process any further than the 1970`s Politically and we compromise by saying to ourselves that it will change, it will change the question you have to ask ourselves is for how long do we keep saying this . The reason why these bombing are happening is simple in my mind. Our leade