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Showing posts from September, 2021

Antigua, a place to call home

  The sun was high in the sky this morning bright and warm even with the cold wind blowing through the window i opened today did not diminish the feeling of joy in the air .but I would not mind sitting in the sun and get myself a tan ,my uncle who i took him to the airport on Tuesday travelled to  Antigua  and he is enjoying the warm sunshine and i must confess my skin is getting lighter  due to the lack of sunlight in the UK  LOL! . So all i can do is get back to work and earn those little coins to make it to the sunshine this year. so my plan is going to be simple get myself a ticket for Antigua before the weather changes to the winter cold all over again Antigua here i come By Sarah Humphreys Antigua is located in the Caribbean Sea. Their main languages are English and Antiguan dialect. Main currencies used on the Island are East Caribbean Dollars, United State Dollars and all leading credit card*s (*advise that most places accept credit cards and local or smaller shops take currenc

Missing in action

 I started this blog a few years ago , and i got distracted with work, working day in day out , somehow i lost interest in blogging , i had written 40,000 word sci-fi  novel when i  was not working almost a decade ago and now am going through another change in my situation , somehow is allowing my creative side of me to reappear, i have had a few months off from the daily rat race and here it is again my creative side pops up again. maybe i was meant to be a writer afterall who knows , but here i am putting my though on to paper , or i should say onto  a screen .  So here i am putting myself out there , so far in this blog i have posted part of my second story i was writing without any edits , like they say raw material , and am sure i will get the corrections to my grammer and all that , which is what i welcome maybe i can get some edit and maybe publish my books. Before i forget i am a published author in my way on amazon i have four books 👌👌

Chapter 3 It begins

  Richard looked at the men and then got in the car and then the door closed, as the driver pulled away from the office and drove towards what looks like a road leading further into the forest, it was  getting darker as they drove, the trees formed a canopy over the road, and without warning a gate appeared. The car stopped and gates began to open after the driver waved a card across the security device, the driver then drove the car through the gates and road suddenly dropped into the ground and it became clear they were travelling into a underground complex, it was another two minutes and the driver stopped and then spoke. Sir, this is your stop and please walk towards the doors someone will meet you.Richard looked out of the window of the car and he could see two stainless steel doors, he opened the door of the car and got out. as the car door closed and the driver drove away from him, he started  walked towards the doors and as he reached the doors it opened and a woman was waiting

Work from home

how to get a Iphone 13 for free

Divine Bloodline

10 years in space

Chillout Tunes

Night driving in London, Motorway driving

Heathrow airport departures take by Virgin atlantic to Atlanta

Fort Lauderdale Holidays

West Palm Beach Airport ,  After spending a few days in Fort Lauderdale, in the usual America hotel room , when you compare it with what we normally get in the UK the room was big and the Air cons was great in my opinion, In the few days i was in Florida i drove to  Orlando to Universal studio which i really enjoyed the 3 hours drive. What i like was the experience of hiring a car from the Airport, the Guys were very friendly and the car was a brand new car, that was fun.  A day i did not travel around Florida i spent it in the hotel room , it rained , when i did travel i went  to Port st Lucie to visit family and Miami to visit my Uncle  , great time all around