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Showing posts from November, 2022

THE LOST FIGHTER (The book so far unedited raw material )

The lost fighter  Chapter 1 The key to interstellar travel that humanity has found has being a revelation. The rate of expansion of   human colonies has been rapid and in the last 500 years the exploration of space has been led by the private sector. humanity found the key to long distance travel by sheer luck, the scientist were looking for a new form of energy but found instead that they could create holes in space and time a phenomenon that allows a ship to travel from one point in space to another in a matter of hours and the ability to manipulate gravity fields around objects was also another break through it. the history humanity has always had the story of how one group of people dominate over another group of people if it's not because of the colour of one`s skin it because you are poor or not even that there is usually about those with power dominating other without power this has being the way humanity has being operating for centuries and not much has changed. As man spr