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Playing games online can get you killed

The smell of the early morning traffic on the M25 on the way to his first delivery and the constant pounding of the cats eyes on the van`s tyres on the hard shoulder wake him up as he tried to keep the van in the lane in front of him, he should have gone to bed early last night and not played games online but it was fun. Driving and making delivery paid the bills but it was not what he wanted to do with his life he wanted more but he never did whatever it took to get what he wanted. Again pounding of the cats eyes and right in front of him the traffic slows and he hit the brake to slow down and keep in tune with speed of the traffic only if he had some red bull he thought, it would be the solution to his problem. The traffic moves on and the display sign changed the traffic speed limit is lowed and this annoys him and the display sign changes again and the lane he is on is closed and he ignores the sign and continues for another mile, the traffic build`s up and slows to a halt and the

Nothing has changed in Nigeria

Tonight i was watching a movie on BBC1 Amistad i have seen it before but i like to watch it again and again, but this time as the closing credits rolled down the screen i am reminded of the way things were in the time of black slavery how brutal it was. But i as a black man i watch the movie and have a clear view of how things were and are right now. We all know that the period of slavery was brutal and inhuman period in the history of mankind in many ways, but as a black man i have to acknowledge the truth that slavery was a business there was product and there was demand. The demand needed to be met ,and for that to happen there had to have being Africans we were dealing with the Europeans supplying the product, which were the slaves and for that they got paid , like i said it was a business after all. We come to the present day and we come to Nigeria and nothing has changed from the period of slavery the product has changed but the basic principle has remained the same, a few in ch