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Democracy in Nigeria is something that would make a hell of a difference to the common man on the street ,if his vote mattered at all.and now we have these debate and we have a candidate who is refusing to debate, which would help the people decide who they would vote for, my question is simply ,how do we know who is worthy of our vote. the policy of corruption may take a long time grow out of Nigerian politics,but one must not be native ,all the common man would want to is a chance to live in a country that would make him proud to belong and corruption to reduce to the minimum. and a chance to bring up his children to be  able to compete with the rest of the world on equal terms. lets us is see what will happen as the time for the election to happen

On the the road to the end ?

The question i ask myself these days as we glide toward the end of the year, are we on the road to the end of the way we know thing to be. the uprising in the middle east the earth quake in the far east , New Zealand and now Japan, what are we going to get as the year goes on, the western powers are in the tussle over what to do next, in Libya and many in the US, want to get out of Afghanistan , the world is changing and we don`t know what to expect, are going to see more wars as Russia wants to retaliate against the the American by supplying the Taliban weapons through the Iranians,not that far off from what the Americans did to the Russians when they were in same position. are we going to see more disasters,more deaths As 2012 draws closer, i begin to recall all the tales of the end of time for all humanity, who knows what the future will bring for us, i suspect it is going to be interesting and in the same  vain i say to all who read this blog,  "HOLD ON TO SOMETHING ,IT`S G

A brave new world

I watch the news daily, waiting to see the new development over night as the Middle East revolt against current system of governance, from Tunisia to Egypt and now Libya. All the uprising happening in the region would make a lot of other countries running similar system of governance, begin to worry. I personally think it is about time for change in that part of the world. Which brings me back to my favourite topic, Nigeria, is there any chance something like this happening? A revolt in the north of Nigeria, where the Islamic fundamentalists have a huge influence. And use their religion as a form of intimidation against Nigerians, who are not Muslims. The burning of churches and the attack of non Muslims has always happened in the north of Nigeria over many years, it is nothing new at all from the 1980`s all the way to present, it has always happened, the current elections happening in is a step forward but with all the political manoeuvres that has happened it is becoming clear that

Should go or should i stay

I sit at my computer looking at the idea of returning to Nigeria for good as the economic climate in this part of the world is getting somewhat colder than usual. and then I read about all the news coming out of the north of Nigeria, from Jos which has always being part of Nigeria which has never being associated with this kind of violence. I am beginning to wonder what the future holds for Nigeria as a nation. Any dreams of returning to Nigeria to live is more and more difficult to envisage, but I must also state that west of Nigeria is stable there were no killings in these parts of Nigeria, but as we know these kind of revolutions start they gain a life of their own and continue like a wild fire burning through a bone dried bush. And then there is the east of Nigeria where over that last few years there has being the problem of kidnappings according to reports if you appear to be successful in business or have appearance of wealth you might just get taken for ransom, sometimes I th

The future of Nigeria

I sit at my computer looking at the idea of returning to Nigeria for good as the economic climate in this part of the world is getting somewhat colder than usual. and then i read about all the news coming out of the north about all killings and destruction and i am beginning to wonder what the future holds for Nigeria as a nation should i have any dreams of returning to Nigeria to live of head further west where it is safer or maybe head to the orient pearl of Asia continent