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Showing posts from April, 2011

The brand New Nigeria

 The elections are over, the winner declared, an election according to the international community was a step forward in the political life of Nigeria as the nation moves forward to a brighter future. We have a section of the country unhappy about the results and they go on the rampage, they claim the results were rigged. the truth is if they did took part in the election and kept  a eye on the process, maybe they might feel a bit better about the whole process but i must declare that I am rather naive when it come to Nigerian politics. As far as i can see the northern states should be thankful that they are part of the republic of Nigeria, when i look at the whole picture of how we see ourselves as a nation it is becoming clear that the northern states do not really see themselves part of the republic, it seems like they want create a nation of their own, as far as i can tell a Islamic state, which comes with all the benefits of sharia law and all that comes with it. The chopping